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导读 1. Alleviate 指短暂的减轻压抑而没有解决其根源:“No arguments shall be wanting on my part that can alleviate so se...

1. Alleviate 指短暂的减轻压抑而没有解决其根源:“No arguments shall be wanting on my part that can alleviate so severe a misfortune” “对我来说要减轻如此严重的不幸,不需要任何争论”。

2. Relieve 指缓解或使造成不快或压抑的某事变得可以忍受:“that misery which he strives in vain to relieve” “他徒劳地奋力去减轻苦难” “The counselor relieved her fears” “顾问消除了她的恐惧” 3. Allay意味着至少是暂时从造成负担或痛苦的事物中解脱出来: “This music crept by me upon the waters,/Allaying both their fury and my passion/With its sweet air”.“在水面音乐爬上我的心头/平息了他们的愤怒和我的热情/用它甜美的声音”。
